Name: Kriskitina Kanemoto
Village/Island: Chuuk
Family size: I have four sisters and a brother
School and area of study: COM-Chuuk Campus, Education major
In my family, I am known as: the mature, outgoing and talkative one.
My favorite non-academic activity is: reading a good book, dancing polynesian dances and hanging with family and friends.
I'm really good at: playing volleyball and writing.
My career path: right now studying to become a teacher, but hopefully when i'm through with school it's to become an Environmentalist.
How did you become aware of the Micronesia Challenge Young Champions? Kind Kanto talked to me about it and encouraged me to apply because of my interest in Environmental Studies. I did a bit of research myself and found that I was very much interested and so I applied.
As a Young Champion, what do you hope to achieve? I hope that at the end I am able to achieve the requirements given.
How have you noticed your village/island has changed in terms of the envirrnment and sea? They have started doing some things like making sea walls and other related activities due to sea level rise and the youths of my island have initiated clean up activities around my island. Students at Saramen Chuuk Academy have more interest in Micronesia Challenge are very interested in coral reef monitoring and a coastal clean up activity.
Are you working on any special projects right now? Right now i'm trying to organize a mangrove planting activity on Fefen and Udot and working on doing a coastal cleanup activity with one of the schools here.
How is the special project coming along? I have spoken to Curt for assistance and also spoke to people at Agriculture to get more information on how to go about planting mangroves. I've talked to a few teachers who are interested about the cleanup activity planned.
What do you hope to accomplish being a young champion? I hope to get the people of Chuuk to be more aware of Micronesia Challenge and it many activities. Also, to get the young people of Chuuk to be more interested in conserving and preserving what is left of our natural resources.
By 2020, I hope that: The Micronesia Challenge has accomplished its goal and that the islands of Micronesia are back to how they were before global warming became a very big issue around the world.