Name: Beverly Ann Mendiola Cruz
Village: Merizo, Guam
From a family of: 4
School and area of study: Guam Community College, AA in Liberal Arts; University of Guam, pursuing bachelor's degree.
In my family, I am known as the: helpful and motivated one.
Favorite non-academic activity: Swimming and gardening.

I am really good at: helping others and taking care of my responsibilities.
Career path: I am currently finishing my AA in in Liberal Arts and have already begun courses toward my bachelor's degree in business administration in human resources.
How did you become aware of the Micronesia Challenge Young Champions: Through my project in marine biology and the guidance of a wonderful instructor.
As a Young Champion, what do you hope to achieve: I hope to achieve reaching out to as many residents the knowledge and benefits of my project so we can all together sustain our natural resources .
How have you noticed your village and island has changed in terms of the environment and sea? Yes, more so with erosion and the depletion of marine life, most especially our coral reefs..
Are you working on any special projects right now? Yes, I am branching off my first project to continue my efforts on erosion. My first project was a rain garden that prevents run-off and therefore protects marine life. My current project is reaching out and teaching others to do the same.
How is the special project coming along? The learning process is great and the anticipation of the outcome is exciting. The timeline is working out well and I look forward to moving it outward to our community and island.
What do you hope to accomplish being a Young Champion? My most desired accomplishment would be to find as many ways to learn more about our ecosystem and reach out to others to save our natural resources.
By 2020, I hope that: Our generations efforts become a reality, and encourages more to reduce the damage to our island and earth. No matter what size the effort - learning, doing, and reaching out more will undoubtedly begin the process of success in any project or hobby.
See some of Beverly's work.