Name: Jonathan Karwog Gorong
Village/Island: Yap - Kaday, Weloy
Family size: Family of five
School and area of study: COM-FSM Yap Campus studying Liberal Arts
In my family, I am known as: The oldest and most eager.
My favorite non-academic activity: Being on the computer.
I'm really good at: Working with computers.
My career path: Become a marine biologist and conduct research in Yap waters as well as continue conservation programs in my community and all over the island.
How did you become aware of the Micronesia Challenge Young Champions: I first learned of the MC Young Champions from a former Young Champion. It was later explained to me by Berna Gorong and I then applied.
As a Young Champion, what do you hope to achieve: I hope to achieve awareness of the people about the Micronesia Challenge and have more people as well as youth involved. The general goal basically is to help Yap move towards a more environment friendly and conserved future.
How have you noticed your village/island has changed in terms of the environment and sea? The natural resources on land and in the sea are being overexploited. I hope to help in counteracting this and have people conserve what little resource is left and produce other means of cash income to the people so they do not strain the environment.
Are you working on any special projects right now? I hope to work with Yap High School on the 22nd of April and have a small activity regarding Earth day. Also for the remaining term of my internship, I plan on working with government officials as well as traditional leaders here to help the people become more aware and involved with the MC program as well as others related to the environment.
How is the special project coming along? As of now, following up on the people I've met and talked with about my projects. Also getting in touch with the line agencies as well.
By 2020, you hope that: Micronesia Challenge would have achieved its goal and that the islands have established a strong network between themselves working freely with each other and accomplishing many things here in Micronesia. By then I would also like to have helped my island of Yap in becoming an island more environmentally sustainable and conservative.